2023 NY Agency on Aging: Details and Solutions for Livable Homes and Aging in Place (CAPS III) - November 1

This course is non-transferrable. Do not use another individual’s login information to register for this course. You must login to nahb.org as yourself to receive your certificate of completion and credit for this course.  If you are registering as a member, please use a PIN tied to your legal name. NAHB PINs are tied to a person, not a company. If you are not registered on nahb.org, Create Your Login now.

NAHB Designations: This course is required for the NAHB Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) designation. 

Tim Lansford


Luxury Homes

Tim Lansford, also known as "The Thought Re-Constructor," boasts an impressive three-decade career in construction and real estate. Leading Luxury Homes of Texas, he excels as a builder, real estate broker, and distinguished speaker, leveraging his deep industry knowledge to inspire change in leadership and perception across multiple sectors. Beyond construction, he is a passionate speaker that runs a comprehensive Training and Development Company, focusing on innovative leadership and success strategies. His influential workshops and keynote speeches have captivated audiences nationwide, including notable appearances at NAHB, TAR, SHRM, NARI, AMC, and the International Builder’s Show (IBS).  Through his workshops and keynote speeches, Tim challenges and guides professionals to rethink their conventional views on leadership, urging them to adopt innovative strategies for personal and professional development. 


11/01/2023 at 9:00 AM (EDT)  |  540 minutes
11/01/2023 at 9:00 AM (EDT)  |  540 minutes
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Course Test
20 Questions  |  2 attempts  |  60 minute limit  |  14/20 points to pass
20 Questions  |  2 attempts  |  60 minute limit  |  14/20 points to pass
Course Evaluation
9 Questions
Certificate of Completion
6.00 Continuing Education credits  |  Certificate available
6.00 Continuing Education credits  |  Certificate available