NAHB Learning
High Performance Marketing: Positioning Yourself for Success
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- Non-member - $49
- Member - $29
- Council - $29
There is a growing demand for sustainably-built homes, also called green homes. With a wide array of sustainable building options, perception of green practices can vary among builders and remodelers and the clients they serve. In this on-demand module, two sustainable marketing experts with differing viewpoints help builders and remodelers to define their markets, determine their product readiness and approach, and communicate their own story to achieve success in marketing high performance homes. The level of content in this module is for the novice learner.
What to expect from this module:
- • Are you a marketing novice? By the end of this module you will be able to define the market need for your business like an expert.
- • When you are done, you will be able to identify your market readiness by determining your expertise in key areas.
- • In order to help you implement the best approach for your marketing style, you’ll compare the different approaches used by two sustainable marketing experts.
- • You can only market as good as you can tell a story, so you will review best practices for successfully communicating your story to potential clients to meet their needs.
NAHB Continuing Education: 1 hours toward CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGP, CGR, CMP, CSP, GMB, GMR, Master CGP, Master CSP, and MIRM
This module is registered with AIA CES for continuing professional education and qualifies for 1.00 LU Hours.

The National Association of Home Builders is a Registered Provider with The American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Systems. Credit earned upon completion of this course will be reported to CES Records for AIA members by the Provider. Certificates of Completion for non-AIA members are available upon request.
Important Registration Details:
Please note: You have one year after purchase to complete the requirements associated with this module.
This course is non-transferrable. Do not use another individual’s login information to register for this course. You must login to nahb.org as yourself to receive your certificate of completion and credit for this course. If you are registering as a member, please use a PIN tied to your legal name. NAHB PINs are tied to a person, not a company. If you are not registered on nahb.org, Create Your Login now.
Refund Policy: No refunds are issued for on-demand courses upon purchase. For more information, please contact Sheila Coble at ElearningHelp@nahb.org