NAHB Learning
Site Planning, Approvals & Construction - Live Online 2025 - May 8
Includes a Live Web Event on 05/08/2025 at 1:00 PM (EDT)
You must log in to register
- Non-member - $225
- Member - $169
- Council - $169
This live class is intended to be interactive. Please ensure you are in an environment that allows you to participate and that your camera and microphone are working.
Due to the live, interactive nature of this course, no recordings will be available.
What to expect from this course:
- You will review the land acquisition and development process and explore the last three steps of this eight-step process: site planning, government approvals, and site improvements.
- Recognize what it takes to successfully create a site plan and a preliminary plat.
- Become familiar with the typical government approval process for land development, including the need for public land donation.
- Identify what construction improvements are necessary to get the property ready to sell or develop.
NAHB Credit: This course counts for 3 continuing education credits.
Additional Credit Information:
3 AIA/CES LU: NAHB is a Registered Provider with the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Continuing Education Systems. Credit earned on completion of this course will be reported to CES Records for AIA members by NAHB. Certificates of Completion for non-AIA members are available upon request.
Important Registration Details:
This course is non-transferable. Do not use another individual’s login information to register for this course. You must login to nahb.org as yourself to receive your certificate of completion and credit for this course. If you are not registered on nahb.org, create your login now. If you are having issues with your login, please contact our help desk at nahbsupport@nahb.org or 202.266.8313
To get access to membership pricing under an employer’s membership, please reach out to our help desk at nahbsupport@nahb.org or 202.266.8313
You will have access to course materials, including the course test, for 30 days after the conclusion of the live sessions.
Cancellation and Refund Policy: You may cancel your registration and request a refund by emailing elearninghelp@nahb.org until the day of the scheduled live class. If requested after the class has begun a fee will be charged ($25 for a 3-hour class, $50 for a 6-hour class).
Please contact elearninghelp@nahb.org with any questions.