NAHB Learning
Social Media Marketing for Your Business – Live Online 2019 (October 1, 8, 15)
- Registration Closed
This course is designed to help companies think strategically about social media and how it fits into the “big picture.” A well-designed marketing program must start with a strong foundation comprised of the company website, brand and content. After the foundation is in place, tactics like social media can be incorporated to drive traffic to the website.
The world has changed; it is no longer enough to just be online. Millennials have changed the game for all generations. The sales process is about the user experience, so make it fun!
Most companies have a website, Facebook and Twitter pages and various other social media accounts. Often what they are missing is the strategy to make them work together and produce results that meet goals. This course will help participants to craft a marketing plan that includes social media as a key component.
Participants in this course will be able to:
- Identify the fundamentals of a sound marketing foundation
- Recognize how social media relates to the company’s marketing foundation
- Use content calendars to effectively plan and maintain a strategic program
- Identify and engage the right audience
- Discover how to start conversations today for sales tomorrow
Instructor: Carol L. Morgan, MIRM, CAPS, CSP, President, Denim Marketing
Course Length: 6 hours
NAHB Continuing Education: 6 hours for the following 12 designations: CAPS, CGA, CGB, CGP, CGR, CMP, CSP, GMB, GMR, Master CGP, Master CSP, MIRM.
Important Registration Details:
Please note: You have one year after purchase to access the materials associated with this course.
This course is non‐transferrable. Do not use another individual’s login information to register for this course. You must log in to nahb.org as yourself to receive a certificate of completion and credit for this course. If you are registering as a member, please use a PIN tied to your legal name. NAHB PINs are tied to a person, not a company. If you are not registered on nahb.org, Create Your Login now.
After you have participated in all three live sessions, you must take a timed, one-hour skills check and earn a score of 70% or higher to receive course credit. If you do not pass, you have one opportunity to retake it. Once you have passed the skills check and completed the course evaluation, you can print out your certificate of completion.
Cancellation and Refund Policy: Registration is open until 3 p.m. ET (12 p.m. PT) on Monday, Sept. 30. Cancellations will also be accepted until 3 p.m. ET (12 p.m. PT) on Monday, Sept. 30. After that date, a $50 cancellation fee will be charged per cancellation. Cancellation requests must be submitted via email to Deborah Krat at: dkrat@nahb.org.

Carol L. Morgan, MIRM, CAPS, CSP
President, Denim Marketing
Carol L. Morgan, MIRM, CAPS, CSP, has decades of experience as a marketing, public relations and social media expert, strategist, and consultant. She is President of Denim Marketing, a brand she launched in May 2017 that promises to be a comfortable fit for clients. The parent company of Denim Marketing, Flammer Relations, Inc. is celebrating 20 years in business in 2019. Denim Marketing, based in the metro Atlanta area, works nationwide with builders, developers, mortgage companies, construction product manufacturers, apartment developers, banks, and others in the housing and construction industry.
Carol created the nationally-ranked and award-winning real estate blog www.AtlantaRealEstateForum.com in 2006. In fact, she launched several blogs that year, including www.LuxuryRealEstateForum.com, www.GreenBuiltBlog.com and www.FiftyPlusHousing.com. These sites were early pioneers in the blogging space, and because of Carol’s early adoption of blogging and social media, she is often fondly referred to as the “Blogging Queen” and the “Queen of Social Media.”